E-Prep Campout Followup

If you are receiving this e-mail, it is because you were on the Emergency Preparedness camp out.
I have entered all the information into Troop Track. Thanks to the hard work of Mr. Radtke, Mr. Matthews and Mr. Biddle some of you have completed the merit badge. There are many of you that all you need to complete is the home based portion and that could not be taught by them. If you look in Troop Track you will see that all you need to complete the E-Prep merit badge is 2 C and 9.
Fall break is coming up and that would be a great time to finish that up.
Also, a few of you now have a partial in First Aid merit badge. The only thing need to complete this merit badge is your personal first aid kit. For those that need to complete first aid that also remains a partial on your E=Prep merit badge (requirement # 1) so for you all you have to complete for both merit badges is first aid 2 D and E-Prep #1, 2C and 9
These are very easy partials to complete so I would take advantage of the next few weeks and complete them. We will have a court of honor in Dec. and I would love to awards these merit badges to you.
If you have questions feel free to e-mail me or talk to me on Monday at Scouts.
Mrs. Baker