Earth Day 2018: End Plastic Pollution

Are we thrifty and clean regarding our environment? Do we practice leave no trace in our daily lives? Do we want to become more sustainable citizens?

Earth Day is on Saturday April 21st (even though it is celebrated on the 21st & 22nd) with activities locally and all across the country.

It’s been nearly 50 years since the annual observation of Earth Day began. This year’s global Earth Day theme is End Plastic Pollution with a focus on changing attitudes and behaviors toward plastic consumption. With more than 300 million tons of plastics sold each year with 90 percent of that plastic ending up in landfills, the pollution generated is increasing exponentially. The hope is to raise awareness about the magnitude of the problem—from poisoning marine life, disrupting human hormones, littering landscapes, and clogging waterways—as it now threatens the survival of the planet.

Banning single-use plastics, reducing fossil-fuel dependence, and tackling the literal mountains of trash are top priorities, as is instilling a sense of personal responsibility at the consumer level. Find out how you can be part of the solution and learn more about the End Plastic Pollution campaign at

As we head in to a weekend filled with Spring Camporee, Eagle project work, sports games, outdoor activities, yard work, and much more- take time to think about what you can do to reduce your use of plastics- bottles: food & beverage, cleaning, furniture, synthetic fiber clothing, and so much more.

The link above is a very informative site with information and ways we can make a difference at any level. If you select “Are you an individual” GET STARTED button, it directs you to a reference guide- full of facts on plastics and pollution as well as actions you can take to decrease plastic use in your life.