New Scout Skills Campout Help Needed

Scouts and Parents,

New Scout Skills campout is April 28-29 (one night) at Brown County State Park. We need older scouts (2nd years and up) and adults help for a successful weekend.Scouts: We are going to need you to help run stations. The stations are Ax Yard/ Knife Safety, Fire Safety, Knots, Lashings, First Aid, and Map & Compass. You will also help with other activities during the weekend, including camp setup and teardown, 5 mile hike, meals, scouts own service, nature hike, and leave no trace. If you can help, please sign up here:

Adults: I would like to have at least one adult at each station to supervise and to make sure things are running smoothly. Also we will need help preparing the meals. Your help is just as important as the scouts help. Adult Sign Up here:

NOTE: FIlling out the google form above doesn’t sign you up for the campout, you still need to sign up on trooptrack.

If you have any questions you can contact me through TroopTrack.


Ryan Blackmore