Spring Camporee Details

Troop 101,
For those scouts and adults attending the Spring Camporee this weekend, please arrive at the Home Depot parking lot on Friday 4/20 no later than 5:45. Upon arrival we will load our gear into the trailer, and then depart for Camp Krietenstein around 6pm. We will be traveling in our class A uniforms, and you will need to have already had dinner before we hit the road. Make sure you check the Weekend Camping Checklist in Trooptrack to ensure you have all of the appropriate items for an enjoyable weekend. The forecast this weekend shows highs in the upper 50s and lows in the upper-30s. Don’t forget to pack your long underwear and some extra socks! The Troop will be returning to the Home Depot parking lot around 11am on Sunday 1/22, and scouts will call ahead to verify arrival time.

Primary contacts:
Scott Smith
Melanie Baker

Have Fun!,
Mike Matthews