Monday Night – Summer Camp Pre-Reqs!

Hello Troop 101,
Monday night’s meeting we will be having certain stations to help you cover your pre recs. I will be sending out specific e-mails for camping, waterfront, First aid and E. Pre. merit badges soon to just those scouts. Please look for them here shortly and take advantage of the great opportunity you are being given.
I do need to have everyone that is going to camp to come on Monday and show me your Totin Chip and Firemn Chit. I know there are boys that are missing them or have never earned them. It is far easier for me to regenerate a lost card prior to camp than at camp. This will also help with getting the ax yard set up quickly on Sunday so that the Totin Chip can be earned before your merit badge class or Firecrafter responsibilities on Monday. Remember if you bring your pocket knife to camp you must have your Totin Chip on you. No card, no knife. We will take it away until you re earn your card. No exceptions.
I will also be collecting any and all pre recs for all other merit badges. Do not forget to make a copy, take a picture, etc. That is your insurance. While I do try my best, there are 100 of you and one of me and I do make mistakes. No pre recs will be turned in by you to your class counselor. Our troop has a system that we have worked hard set up with Camp Ransburg and so pre recs go through me and straight to the camp advancement. I really love seeing you get those merit badges that you worked so hard for at camp.
I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday.
Mrs. Baker