Popcorn – Chocolate and More

  • Chocolate order will be submitted this weekend. Please let me know sales not entered in the app or any reduction from your original order.
  • There are storefront slots available today (9/8) if you have a canopy to protect from the rain.
  • A few other storefront dates were added. Check the app and sign up for additional. If you do not have popcorn and would like to do a storefront, let me know so we can make arrangements. Council also has Cicero and Tipton stores available to reserve.
  • Turn in money at Monday’s meeting, especially checks so they can be cleared. Place in an envelope with name and amount.
  • If you have products you will not sell, please return sooner than later. Also, if you have plans over fall break, wrap things up before you leave and turn in items on Oct. 1.


[email protected]