Fall Cook-O-Ree Campout

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For all those going to the Fall Cook-O-Ree Camp Out this weekend here is some important info!!!

Check in time will be at 6:00 pm at Home Depot, we will be pulling out at 6:30 pm.  


1.  You will need your mess kit and water bottle all day, so think about how you might carry it for the whole day. (backpack, day packs, etc)

2.  It might rain…pack for it.

3.  It might be cold…pack for it.

4.  Eat before you come to Home Depot.

5.  Remember Troop Track has a packing list if you need it.

See you on Friday at 6:00 PM.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Adam Rohn 


Emergency Adult Contacts:

Scott Smith: 317-432-5232

Melanie Baker: 317-701-4083

Adam Rohn: 317-459-5494