Prizes and Last Chance Popcorn

If you did not sell popcorn, you can stop here and delete.


All popcorn not sold was returned to council on Tuesday. If you have discovered any discrepancies, the final order is due this Sunday. Please get with me ASAP.


Prizes. DUE BY SATURDAY evening.

– All scouts, who sold at least one item, receive the center patch. The remaining patches are based on certain criteria. “Trained scouts” will be based on those who attended our kick-off meeting and filled out a goal. The 6 hours sales is subjective and I will do my best to determine based on storefront sign-ups and total sales. However, if you know you committed to sell for 6+ hours, let me know.

– Sales less than $1000 receive a scout voucher which is converted to a deposit in your scout account (default, no action required). If your scout will be heartbroken if they can’t shop at Belzer, please respond.

– Sales over $1000 receive an Amazon e-gift card and you must have a Trail’s End account to receive (default, no action required). I believe a Camp Ransburg credit can be substituted; reply if you would like this credit instead.

– Bonus prizes available for those over $750. I need a response for multi-tool or mini-bow. $1500 – Monster Jam or Kentucky Kingdom. Bonus prizes accumulate.


Don’t forget to submit your scholarship form if eligible.


Turn remaining money in by Nov. 19. I will send out individual e-mails next week if you still owe.


Commission – We sold more than last year and exceeded $20,000 so the commission will be at least 36% but not more than 38%. Don’t expect this to be in your scout account quickly. I do not turn in the report to the treasurer until all money is collected.


Great job everyone!


PS. Scouts – consider nominating your parent for the 2019 popcorn kernel position. Parents – consider volunteering your time for this position or others.