Keegan Thomas Eagle Project – Sign Up Genius Option

Happy Thanksgiving Troop 101,

I hope everyone is enjoying their day with family and friends.  I wanted to remind everyone about my Eagle project.  In case you haven’t heard, I am doing a donation drive for Christmas gifts for 10 boys that are in foster care and don’t have families of their own.  These are boys our age that want the same things we all want.  A huge thank you to everyone that signed up to purchase and donate a gift at the last troop meeting.  I still have many wish list items that need to be purchased and donated.  So that everyone has access to the complete list at all times, not just at troop meetings, I have set up a Sign-Up genius account for all of the gifts for all 10 boys.  The link is below.  If you are able to purchase and donate a gift from the list, please sign up using this link.  All items must be new.  They should be returned to me, unwrapped, by Monday Dec. 10th.  I will be at the Noblesville First United Methodist Church every Monday from now until then so that gifts may be turned in.  Please share this link with anyone that you think would be interested in helping give these boys a Christmas to remember, and me with my project.

If you have any questions you can text me.
Thank you everyone for your support and generosity.

Keegan Thomas