Monday Meeting – Pre Reqs and Cyber Chip Make Up

Hello Everyone,

We are 5 weeks away from summer camp.

This is just a reminder that Monday is time to start turning in those pre recs for summer camp.  This is also another good opportunity to finish up any other partials that you have and get them turned in.

We will also be making up the Cyber Chip – so if you missed the videos or teaching EDGE or haven’t turned in your sheets, Monday is the time to get that all done.  

For those that have completed the Cyber Chip, look in Troop Track to see. I have marked what Mr. Radtke has given me.   I  will have your cards for you on Monday.

If you have First Aid Merit Badge – your pre -rec is# 5  a HOME first aid kit. Look at the requirements and be able to show your kit and answer the appropriate questions.

If you have camping merit badge or you would like to get these requirements completed even if you are not taking this class at camp.  Please make sure you read the requirements for Camping 4 B, 5E, and 7B.  There will be stations set up for this so  that you can get these requirements done.

Everyone else can find their counselor and get it signed off on and bring them up to me or if the counselor  is not available you may bring it up to me anyway.  Please print as nice as possible so that I can read your first and last name.    I will have a table set up for collecting everything.

We will use the yellow sheets again.  

If you have any questions please email me otherwise I will happily see you on Monday.

Remember, to make your copies.

Thanks, Mrs. Baker