Heal Forms are DUE!

Greetings Troop 101-
  If you are going to Summer camp, your Health form (signed by your doctor) is due to me by next Wednesday, May 15th. You can either bring it to next week’s meeting or scan and e-mail it to me.

  If you will not be able to meet this deadline because your child’s MD appointment is not until later, I need you to reply to this e-mail with the date that you will be bringing the form.
   We need your health forms in order to take them to camp early to have them pre-checked.   This will expedite check-in on the day the boys arrive at camp.   If I do not receive your form prior to the pre-check trip, you will be required to take your kiddo to camp and accompany them through the health check process on your own.   Please help me to help you, by turning the form in on time so that I can do the heavy lifting for you.   Trust me, this is a better deal than having to check them in yourself!      
I look forward to receiving your health form next week, or receiving an e-mail letting me know when you will be turning it in.
Thank you for your understanding of this important matter!
Best Regards,
Lora Eberhart