All Things Summer Camp are Entered

Hello Troop 101,

All things summer camp have now been updated and marked off in Troop Track to the best of my knowledge and ability.

It is now up to you to look and let me know if you have any questions about your merit badges. I will be at Scouts on Monday so you can ask me then or send me an email.  I am currently trying to problem solve a few merit badges with Ransburg right now.

 You have until the July 29th to fix any questions/problems you might have,.  I will pull the report on July 30th to prepare for the Aug. 4th  COH and will not research any summer camp problems after that point,  The work will need to be redone or you show me your copy you made.

I have marked in the notes section all requirements completed or notes as to why it is not completed.

You can find this under Achievements,  the merit badge and then by looking at the notes in the right hand column next to the requirement.

With that being said, if a merit badge isn’t completed it is probably because of the following reasons

1. Pre  Recs were not completed and turned into me prior to camp or at camp. 

2. You scout didn’t go to class or they didn’t pay attention when their name was called.

3. Counselor felt your scout didn’t complete the requirements to their satisfaction or the requirement description.

4. Material wasn’t covered at camp for whatever reason.  

Solutions – many of these partials can still be completed by the end of the month if you would like to merit badge.

Camper, Woodsman, and Firecrafter ranks have been entered and you will find that under Achievements – Other.

Some of you will also notice you may have been dumped into a merit badge that you haven’t sign up for yet, this is because you completed a requirement while at camp.  Some of you also may notice in the Other section that you have been dumped into the World Conservation Award.  This is also because you have completed some or all of the merit badges required for this award and have a specific conversation project left for this award.  Please take a look and considered finishing it to earn this award,  Not many earn this.  I would love to hand a few of these out because it’s been awhile.

Any Boards of Reviews that happened at camp have also been entered and you will receive your patch at the COH.

Let me know if you have questions.

Thanks, Melanie