Sunday’s Court of Honor

Good  Evening Troop 101,

Our  Summer Court of Honor will be held this Sunday, Aug. 4th from 4-7pm. It will be  held at Shelter House #5 at Forest Park (located near the pool). Below is a list  of food patrol assignments:

Ace  – desserts

Atomic  Penguins – asst chips, dips, salsas

Biohazardous  Bacon – fruit or fruit trays

Bolt  – hot sides

Confused  Turtles – desserts

Frost  Claws – fruit or fruit trays

Jambalaya  – cold salads

Nuclear  Narwhals – veggies or veggie trays

Radioactive  Ghost Phoenix – hot sides

Radioactive  Gummy Ninjas – cold salads

Storming  Phoenix – hot sides

The  Impaled Marshmallows – cold salads

Thunderbirds  – asst chips, dips, salsas

Vikings  – veggies or veggie trays

The  Troop will provide hamburgers, hot dogs, buns and condiments. Water and Lemonade  will be available to drink. EVERYONE WILL NEED TO BRING THEIR OWN TABLE  SETTINGS FOR THEIR FAMILY, INCLUDING CUPS FOR DRINKS. 

We  will also need assistance with the grilling of the meat and help organizing the  food as it is brought in. If you would like to help, please let me know. You  would need to be at the park by 3:30.

Finally,  in order to make sure we will have the appropriate amount of meat available, please RSVP via the following link by Saturday, 8/3 at 9am:

YIS, Mrs.  Rinker