Rock Climbing Information

Rock Wall Climbers,

Here is the information you need. (These times are an estimate)

12:15 pm Check in at Home Depot on Sat.12th

12:30 pm Leave Home Depot (Not estimate)

1:30 pm at Eagle Creek Park

6:30 pm Fazolis (and Scouts bring their own money)

8:00/8:30 pm at Hoosier Heights

7:45 am-8:00 am Pick up

What to bring: (please pack small, everything needs to fit in trunks)


2. Sleeping bag and pillow

3. Change of clothes for climbing (Must fit in a small bag, no trailer this time)

3. Money for Dinner

4. Cracker barrel will be provided at both Park and Climbing but you can bring more.

5. Games to play if you get tired climbing (Cards..etc)

6. Ball, frisbee or something for outside

7. A movie on CD

8. Class B to wear to the park


 Adult leaders:

Shawn Rinker
Erik Grice
Mike Shepard