Wright-Patterson Air Force Museum – Feb 21st

Our next campout is at Wright-Patterson Air Force Museum on Feb. 21st.
Sign ups will be coming soon!!  
Cost: $35 Scouts/ $15 Adults 
Space is limited to 32 Scouts and 7 Adults.
Adults that signed up must drive and have at least 5 seat belts in total (Yes that includes the driver seat belt)
We will be staying in Cabins

At next Monday’s meeting (Feb. 3rd), we will have a paper airplane contest for part of the meeting. The winner will be the plane that goes the farthest within the marked area. The winner will win a Free campout at the Wright Patterson Air Force Campout. The scout will get 1 paperclip and 1 sheet of paper. The plane must be made at the meeting. So get practicing making the planes at home.