Merit Badge Signups

Summer Camp Merit Badge Class Sign-Ups are NOW open on TroopTrack! 

 BEFORE YOU SIGN UP for MERIT BADGE classes, REVIEW (AND PRINT) the Ransburg Activity/Merit Badge Schedule ,and  the Ransburg map.  Their links are at the top of the Merit Badge Signups in Troop Track. 

The Ransburg Activity/Merit Badge schedule lists all the the merit badge classes offered, organized by the area they are held   It lists the classes with the days and time options they are offered.    

The Ransburg map has the location of classes in blue AND it shows the campsite of: Chipmunk Glade, Fox Den, Bison Trace and Falcon Perch-which are the campsites Troop 101 will be staying.   Knowing  these locations are helpful when determining which classes to take and when.  

Class availability is on a first come, first serve basis. So getting those Merit Badge class signups completed in Troop track early is to YOUR advantage. 

Review the information on the signup page, as it will help in making your decisions on which classes you meet the requirements for, how many hours of class your to take, as well as the importance of signing up for Alternate classes.  

Once you have reviewed the Ransburg Activity/Merit Badge Schedule ,and  the Ransburg map if you have any questions, please let me know!

Trudy Long

Summer Camp Committee
Summer Camp Merit Badge Coordinator