Troop 101 Social Media

Troop 101,

Please be aware that the Troop Social Media is to be used to communicate within the Troop.  Acceptable posts would include updates on Troop activities, updates on rank advancement, updates on patrol activities.  It should not be a platform to question decisions of the National BSA, Local BSA, or the Leadership of the Troop.  Posts and comments should comply with the 12 points of the Scout Law.  Posts or comments that are deemed to be disruptive, combative, or disrespectful will be removed at the discretion of the Troop Leadership.  Your ability to post to the group may be banned and ultimately could result in being removed from the group all together.  Please think before you post or comment on a post.  We are tasked with providing a safe environment for the Scouts and Scouters and this includes the digital communications within the Troop.

Todd VonBlon
Scoutmaster T101