Service Hours Opportunity

Hello Troop 101,

There is a member of our charter who is arranging a food distribution to people in need for this and other upcoming Fridays. The details: a large truck with boxed food items will arrive on Friday (and subsequent Fridays, tba) at the Noblesville High School. These boxes need to be off-loaded into the car trunks of people needing this food. The boxes should be of a weight that high schoolers can lift easily (boxed/canned food, milk, etc).

The member’s name is Norm Williams Anyone who wants to help should call Norm, 317-698-7274, and let him know so that he can plan accordingly. The time is 4:30-7:30, but depends upon how much help he has. Those interested must call Norm, 317-698-7274, as soon as possible. I think they should let him know by the end of day today (Thursday) or first thing in the morning on Friday. There will be more chances in the weeks to come.

There will need to be a parent or two adult YPT in attendance for policy adherence.

If you decide to help, don’t forget your volunteer time sheet and have it signed. It’s located in Troop Track under Troop Documents, Volunteer Time Sheet. 

Thanks, Mrs. Baker