Troop Meetings are going virtual

Hello Troop 101,

This is to let you know that with the Governor’s restrictions being put in place starting this weekend, we will be moving to online meetings for the foreseeable future..

Our Charter has been extra cautious during this whole COVID pandemic.  We have been grateful they have let us enjoy the meetings we had at Teter and especially getting to move inside.  The church has reduced the group sizes that can meet in person. With us being the largest group, and not wanting to have to pick who can or can’t come to a meeting, we have made the decision to be proactive, safe, and set a good example by moving to Zoom meetings until this passes and we can move back inside.

It wasn’t an easy decision to make and we know it’s not ideal, but for the safety of our troop, our families, and our charter it’s the right thing to do.

John is planning our meeting for Monday and we still plane to have merit badge classes.  More information on these will be coming out soon.

Patrols may still have patrol outings and get togethers following social distancing guidelines. 

Until then, stay safe and we will see you virtually on Monday.


Melanie and Todd