Calling All Firecrafters!

Hi everyone, 

My name is Ben Smith for those who do not know me. This year Troop 101  Firecrafters are doing a crossover team. This means we will have the joy of  helping new troop members begin their trail to Eagle and much more. but in order  for that to happen, we must have a team who is well practiced and enthusiastic.  I am asking for anyone who is interested in joining our crossover team to please  come to our weekly practice meetings. Our meetings are held at 6:00 pm in the  chapel every Monday before our weekly meetings. 

Also, We have our first crossover next Tuesday. So if you are interested in  participating I will have the script attached to this email along with the  crossover schedule for as far as we know. If you have any questions please let  me know or Mr. Bailey as well. 

I hope to see everyone next week!


Ben Smith

