Monday Meeting

Hello Troop 101,

I hope everyone had a nice weekend.  For tomorrow’s meeting we will be having another opportunity to turn in those summer camp  pre recs, not many were turned  in for summer camp last week. Bring them in.

If you worked on Camping merit badge last week, be sure to bring in your pack for inspection and dress appropriately.

We will check First Aid kits, so bring in your kits or photos of them and be able to explain about them.

Cyber Chip some of you need to watch the videos, some of you need to teach Edge, some need signed paperwok, some everything.  Look in Troop track and see what is missing.  Videos can be watched at home.  Here is the link.

We are also having our Troop Swap meet, bring any no longer used camping equipment , clothes (pants, uniform shirts, Class B’s,  etc)  to swap or give away to a scout that can use it.  Items can include  outgrown uniforms , used equipment, tents, flashlights, etc, … you get the idea 

See you tomorrow night.

Thanks, Mrs. Baker