Boy Scout Camp Cards

Troop 101 will again be participating in the Crossroads of America spring fundraiser! Camp cards sell for $10 this year! For each card sold the Scout will receive $5.00 in their Scout account.

The sale runs from March 1 – April 13. I will be at the Troop meeting this Monday (Feb. 26th) to distribute cards for the Scouts to take around and sell. Initially, each Scout can receive up to 10 cards to give as many boys as possible a chance to have cards to sell. Additional cards will be available each Monday of the sale at the Troop meetings.

We have a few store-front sale options! Check out the sign up sheet at Monday’s meeting!

All money and unsold cards, which must be intact, must be returned to me at the Troop meeting no later than Monday April 9th or delivered to the Matthews’ home on April 13th.

Rebecca Matthews
Hinkle Creek Elementary