Belzer Summer Camp Employment Opportunity

Greetings Campers, Scouters, and Teenagers in Indiana, 

Summer camp is a huge part of the Scouting Program. You yourself probably attended one or more of Crossroads Councils’ amazing camps. Now is the opportunity to apply to be on camp staff! My name is Cameron Thorp and I am the Camp Director at Belzer Scout Camp in Lawrence (just across the street from the Golden-Burke Scout Center.) 

I am looking for applicants to join me on the 2019 Summer Camp Staff at Camp Belzer, the “World Largest Day Camp”. I am holding open interviews next Saturday, January 19th at Camp Belzer. (See address below.)  Please park in the main parking lot and go to the Activity Center, the big building with the flag poles. Once inside, head to the Rotary room which will be on the left. 

I want to extend the opportunity to you, your scouts, and volunteers to join myself and other staff in providing a summer to remember for the Cub Scouts. For some, this is their first camp experience and will hopefully inspire them to continue through the program. Here is a link to apply and fill out an application if interested, 

I look forward to meeting you on the 19th. 

Camp Belzer – Rotary room

6102 Boy Scout Road

Lawrence, IN 46226 

Yours in Scouting, 

Cameron Thorp, 

Program Executive Camp Director, 

Belzer Day Camp 

C: 989-325-1821[email protected]