Attention Troop 101, The agenda for Monday’s meeting is as follows: PLC to discuss patrol and leadership progress Scouts got…
Troop 101 Do not forget that this Sunday, 1/13 is our swim test evaluations for Summer Camp. The test will…
T101 Adults, I hope everyone has had a relaxing holiday break and looking forward to a great 2019! The following…
Calling all T101 Adults, While the Scouts are enjoying their card/board game night, join me in Mug Club for our…
Hello Troop 101, I hope everyone has had a nice break, Merry Christmas and will have a nice New Years…
Hello Everyone, The newly elected PLC has asked to have another round of merit badge classes taught.. The dates…
Troop 101, Reminder, tomorrow night is the Troop 101 gift exchange. Please come with a wrapped gift to participate in…
Wanted to send out the Court of Honor Announcements from Monday night so that everyone knows what the rest of…
Just a reminder tonight is our COH. Dress sharp like Mr. Smith told you last week. NO SNACKS, we…
To all adults, Below are our meeting dates/topics for Mug Club during the month of December: 12/3 – participate and…