Hello Troop 101,We have a troop meeting tomorrow. We will be in Celebration Hall. We will have a speaker that…
starting November 4th we are back in the church for meetings at 7:00pm.
For the Troop 101 COH – Monday Aug 12, please RSVP your dinner selection to Mrs. Baker by email. Please…
OA elections & PLC Hello Troop 101, Tomorrow is our OA Troop elections. All current arrowmen don’t forget to wear…
Hello Troop 101,Monday’s meeting will be an introduction to backpacking given by Scott Smith. After the presentation there will be stations,…
Hello Troop 101,We have a troop meeting tomorrow (Monday) at the church. We will be in Celebration Hall starting at 7:00 pm.…
Hello Troop 101!!! It’s that time of year again – SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR CAMP!Yes, sign ups are now live on Trooptrack for Summer…
Hello Troop 101, Merit Badge University starts March 1st and 2nd. The system is now live. Here is the link…
Hello Troop 101, In my last email concerning yearly paperwork we also have a few changes in the program that…
Hello Troop 101, For the concern of safety of everyone because of the cold temperature and with the kids having…