Hello Scouts, I am sorry to tell you that Indiana Dunes Campout has been cancelled. You can sign up for…
Hello Troop 101, We will be having a full Troop meeting out at Teter .10980 E 221st St, Noblesville, 7:00…
Indiana Dunes Campout Questions and Concerns Hello Scouts and Parents, We have received many questions and concerns about the upcoming…
Indiana Dunes Camp Out July 24th-26th Sign Ups are coming soon. Please note, with the virus situation, we may have…
Here’s the Friends of Scouting Flyer 2020 FOS Flyer.pdf
Sending this in email for as well. I have posted to the Facebook thread that is going. I am truly…
Just a reminder that we have a troop meeting tomorrow at Teter. Please bring your camp card, and face mask…
Finally after a very long time we are having a troop meeting. We will be meeting at Teter Farms 7:00…
Hello Troop 101,Please read. More information of Troop Meetings will be coming in a separate email. Thanks,Mrs. Baker Troop Procedures at…
Hello Troop 101, This is to let everyone know that Troop 101’s virtual summer camp sign ups will be closing…