Hi this is Colby Plake and I’m doing my Eagle Scout project on the 21st. I’ll need some boys to…
Hello Troop 101, Our Troop Court of Honor is tomorrow. Please be there by 6:45 pm to be lined up…
Pokagon Camp out closes tonight. We will be going over what to pack for this camp out and future…
T101 Adults, Have you ever wanted to know how to tie the knots the Scouts have to learn for rank…
Don’t forget to bring in those leadership folders tomorrow if you didn’t bring them last week. Monday is also the…
Troop 101 Adults This evening at mug club will be card game night. If you want to play cards, bring…
Happy Holidays!!! We lowered the cost of this campout to $20 for Scouts and $10 for Adults. Go to Troop…
Attention Troop 101 Firecrafters : It’s that time again to begin preparing for crossovers. We will have several packs in…
Please verify you have acquired and delivered all your items. I have a cheese lovers box, salted caramel and an…
T101 Adults, Just as a reminder…tonight we will be finishing the YPT certification training that we began two weeks ago.…