Enjoy this February’s newsletter!
Troop 101 will again be participating in the Crossroads of America spring fundraiser! Camp cards sell for $10 this year!…
This year Merit Badge University will be held on March 9-10, 2018 with 3 Merit Badge Sessions: Session 1: March 9, Friday 6:30pm-10pm Session…
Troop 101, We’re heading north to Michigan to visit Bittersweet Ski Resort for a great day of skiing! February 16-18 the troop…
Enjoy this January’s newsletter!
Troop 101, I’m working on my Wood Badge Project and I need some help from the older boys in the…
Troop 101, For those scouts and adults attending the Winter Camporee this weekend, please arrive at the Home…
Troop 101, We have seen a growth in the usage of Cell Phones and Electronic Games at the weekly Monday…
Just a reminder for tonight for the Coin Collecting Merit Badge class. Make sure you wear your Class A uniform.…
Troop 101, For those of you who will be attending the Electonics Lock-in, we’re looking forward to a great night.…