Popcorn Sales Pre Orders Due August 3rd

It’s popcorn time again. Sales start on August 25. You determine what popcorn you want to have on hand during the sale for show-and-sell and storefront sales. You need to fill out the pre-order form and turn it in. Chocolate items will not be delivered until Sept. 20, others will be available before the August 25th start. You can choose to order a full case or a specific number of individual containers; please complete the corresponding box. We will ensure it is within the range of what you sold last year and may limit non-returnable items. You can return unsold popcorn if it is returnable. You may be responsible for unsold, non-returnable items if we cannot transfer it to another scout to fill one of their orders, so please only order what you intend to sell. Print off the attached order form, complete, and bring to Monday’s meeting or e-mail it to [email protected] by Friday, August 3. Please place only 1 order per family.

I will be at Monday’s meeting if you have questions. More information will be coming out next week. I have a kernel training meeting on Thursday.

(And there has been no volunteers in response to the e-mail sent a few days ago. If you expect to have a successful sale, I hope you consider filling one of the available roles.)

Troop 101-Order-Form-2018.pdf