Food Assignments for COH on Sunday

Hello Troop 101,
Below is a list of food patrol assignments for the Aug. 5th Court of Honor (4-7pm):
Ace- asst. chips, dips, salsas
American- fruit or fruit trays
Atomic Penguins- hot sides
Biohazardous Bacon- desserts
Bolt- fruit or fruit trays
Frost Claws- cold salads
Jambalaya- veggies or veggie trays
Nuclear Blackbirds- asst. chips, dips, salsas
Nuclear Narwals- hot sides
Phoenix- desserts
Radioactive Gummy Ninjas- cold salads
Stormers- hot sides
Thunderbirds- cold salads
Vikings- desserts
The Troop will be providing hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, condiments, and drinks. Everyone will need to bring their own table settings for their family.
I will also need assistance from a few parents to help organize the food. If you would like to help, please let me know. I would need for you to be at the park by 3:30pm.
Mrs. Rinker