Parents & Scouts: A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent. Shortly…
Troop 101 Adults, Tonight’s Mug Club meeting is a VERY, VERY important meeting. We will be going over everything and…
Parents & Scouts: This is a friendly reminder that Troop 101 has a NO ELECTRONICS policy for Summer Camp. Scouts…
Good Afternoon— If any adult not going to camp has time during tomorrow night’s meeting, I could use some help…
Opportunities Flyer
Troop 101 has created a Summer Camp Medication Chart to be filled out and turned in at check-in on departure…
Scouts & Parents: We are getting closer to Summer Camp! If you haven’t been able to tell yet –…
Hello Troop 101! Just a reminder that there are lots of good spots still available for Wagon Pulling out at…
Summer Campers, As you’ve either seen the memes or heard me say, NOW is the best time to start ensuring…
This is just a reminder that our First Years need to come in clothes and tennis shoes that are made…